The usage of poppers in Germany is not illegal. We have no problems, if our party guests wish to inhale poppers.
However, we do have a big problem when our guests use poppers, if and only if its usage influences your behaviour and self-control, in such a manner that it endangers your health and overall safety. Alcohol and poppers can cloud your judgment, thus impairing your ability to play safe.
Please be considerate to the others near you, around you, always make sure that when you use poppers to be careful not to spill any of it. There are other party guests and stall helpers as well, who do not like the smell of it and do not necessarily want to be near it or be exposed to the smell of it.
One small note: we remind all guests that using poppers simultaneously with the anti-impotence drug Viagra can be a serious danger to your health, a deadly combination.
For further information concerning the potential risk by usage of both substances involved, you are asked to look up the written articles in Wikipedia.